Thursday, January 25, 2007

Bush has had his chance

Random thoughts ...

Hagel has realistic approach

President Bush just wants Americans to give his policy (sending 20,000 more men and women to Iraq) a chance to work. How many years has he been saying we need to give his plan a chance?

At some point you have to say that's enough dead Americans, that's enough money spent, that's enough of something that isn't working. I like this INTERVIEW in GQ with Chuck Hagel. He has what appears to be a realistic approach to Iraq.

Does being a veteran also make you sensitive to the administration’s approach to interrogation and the use of secret military prisons?

It does, because that’s not who America is. We have always, certainly since World War II, had the moral high ground in the world. But these secret prisons and the treatment at Guantánamo destroy all of that. We ought to shut down Guantánamo. There shouldn’t be any secret prisons. Why do we need those? What are we afraid of? Here we are, the greatest nation the world has ever seen. Why can’t we let the Red Cross into our prisons? Why do we deny they exist? Why do we keep them locked up? What are we afraid of? Why aren’t we dealing with Iran and Syria?

My heart goes out to all the enlisted men and women who are fighting over there. Their sacrifices are honorable.

Ford reaps what it sows

It's hard to feel sorry for Ford Motor Co., who reported it lost $5.8 billion (BILLION!?) in the fourth quarter of 2006.

How many years did it ride the gravy train with the Ford Expensive (Explorer, Expedition, etc..) gas guzzlers? It should have seen the trends but it kept putting money into its beheamoths.


Obama lies being spread

People should know that there is a false e-mail currently circulated that says Obama may be a radical Muslim or have leanings in that direction. The e-mail has many false or exaggerated statements.

READ THIS ARTICLE for the explanation.


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