Thursday, June 15, 2006

  • After watching other countries build walls and patrol borders, I can't believe we live in a country that is going to build a wall and patrol a border.
  • HYPOCRITE ALERT! I also believe our ports and our borders, south AND north, are vulnerable to terrorist activity and should be protected.
  • It's hard to believe Karl Rove got by without so much as a slap on the wrist for the CIA agent leak. He's now large and in charge for the GOP's mid-term elections. Things are going to get ugly.
  • Saw a clip of President Bush making funny with the press corp. He riffed on some reporter who was wearing sunglasses. "You sure you want to ask that with shades on?" he asked the reporter. The reporter played along and offered to take them off. Bush made another funny about the shades. Turns out the reporter is legally blind. Guess you have to wear the thick-rimmed, blind person sunglasses to avoid being teased.
  • UPDATE: Bush apologized to the reporter mentioned above.


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