Wednesday, November 24, 2004

Great commentary from Ted Rall

This is a great column from Ted Rall. Turns out that now Bush expects us to believe that the United States needs to invate Iran.

Be sure to check out his editorial cartoons after you read his column.

Bushies Gear Up for Invading Iran

You've heard this song before. There's this country, see, and they hate
America. They'd nuke us if they had the chance, you bet they would. Damn Muslim
religious fanatics! Guess what? They have weapons of mass destruction! Either
that or their scientists are about to develop them. Whatever--we can't let that
happen. We've gotta hit them before they hit us! What's that? Of course we're

Bush is creating generations of American-hating terrorists by killing innocent civilians in a misguided war against terror. We went into this thinking we were going after Osama bin Laden but we don't hear anything about the war in Afghanistan anymore. Opium production is at record levels there now where drug lords are undoubtedly in control. Guess the mess in Iraq isn't big enough, now we have to include Iran.

When will Bush be held accountable?


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